Forms and Requests for Faculty

The forms below are for JSU faculty and staff use only, for requesting various procedures associated with the Canvas LMS that are not already automated or handled by other workflows.  If you have questions about these forms, please contact us at

Enrollment Merge   •   Course Copy   •   Incomplete Grade Access  •  Special Course Access
Canvas Shell   •   LTI   •   Global Announcement   •  Clinical Associates Request Form

Request a Course Enrollment Merge

Canvas Course Enrollment Merge - Please review this information to learn more about which course sections are eligible for this configuration. An enrollment merge only merges course enrollments. Content, student submissions, and grades are not transferred.

Note:  Before requesting a merge for a course, please be certain your courses exist in Canvas.  The request form may be deactivated during certain periods to support processing requirements.  (Tip: Brief Video Tutorial for Adding Multiple Child Courses to Merge Request Form.)

Request an Enrollment Merge

Request a Course Copy

Canvas Course Copy - Reuse of certain content from term to term is part of the typical course preparation process for faculty. These step-by-step instructions provide important details for instructors wanting to complete this process themselves. Included are instructions for requesting assistance from Online@JSU. 

Request a Course Copy

Request Student Access for Incomplete Grade Completion

This process assumes the instructor of the course is in compliance with Procedures and policies prescribed by the Registrar's Office for Incomplete Grades. Upon approval of this request, Online@JSU will configure access in a special section of the Canvas course associated with the course/section and term for which the student originally registered.  Requests for periods extending beyond policy parameters will be routed to the Registrar's Office for approval.  If you are a JSU employee submitting this request on behalf of the instructor of record, this request will be routed to the instructor of record prior to routing to Online@JSU.

Request Incomplete Grade Section Enrollment

Clincial Associate Request Form

The Clinical Associate Request Form should be completed any time a clinical associate requires access to a Canvas outside of the normal course creation process.

Request Clinical Associate Access to a Canvas Course

Request Special Access to a Canvas Course

Complete this form to request "special" access to a Canvas course.

  • Students and instructors assigned to courses in Banner are not required to complete this form.
  • The Canvas course creation process is a vital part of teaching and learning at Jacksonville State University. As such, it is important to understand the formal process in which instructors and students are added to official Canvas courses as generated by Banner. In certain situations, however, administrators and instructors request that instructors, students, and graduate assistants be added to official Canvas courses outside the formal process described above. There are official processes in place for such requests.
  • Please review these processes before you request Canvas access.

Request Special Access to a Canvas Course

Request a Canvas Course Shell

Faculty at Jacksonville State University can request a Canvas course shell for a variety of reasons such as:

  • New Course Development
  • Departmental Needs
  • Non-Academic Office Needs
  • More!

Request a Canvas Course Shell

Request an LTI

LTIs can be added to Canvas to provide a new function or enhance an existing one. When should an instructor request an LTI?

  • To access vendor content or a way for one system (LMS) to send a user to another system (vendor) in a trusted way
  • To use tools outside the LMS environment and make them feel more "integrated" into the system
  • To extend grading or assignment capabilities
  • To provide an alternative to existing services

Learn more about adding an LTI


Request a Canvas Global Announcement

Global Announcements offer brief and timely information to Canvas users. Global Announcements display as a notification on the top of a user's Canvas dashboard. Submission guidelines are as follows:

  • Requests should be submitted no later than 14 days ahead of the desired publication date.
  • No more than two Canvas Global Announcements will be displayed at one time.
  • Announcements are typically published on Mondays and remain for five business days.
  • To be considered for approval, Global Announcements must pertain to academic matters, technical issues, or be of interest to the majority of Canvas users.
  • Announcements are limited to 75 words. To keep announcements brief, consider publishing a document with additional information in another location and linking to it from your announcement. Note: The document will need to be properly formatted and approved by an Online@JSU representative. 

Request a Canvas Global Announcement