Canvas and LTIs

The Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) facilitates all courses at Jacksonville State University. While Canvas is a robust system, LTIs are available to augment or provide additional functionality that Canvas does not currently offer. (LTI = "Learning Tools Interoperability" and is commonly known as an App.)

Review the LTI integration request process, how to request an LTI and current LTIs that have already been vetted by JSU and either approved or disapproved.

LTIs can be added to Canvas to provide a new function or enhance an existing one. When should an instructor request an LTI?

  • To access vendor content or a way for one system (LMS) to send a user to another system (vendor) in a trusted way
  • To use tools outside the LMS environment and make them feel more "integrated" into the system
  • To extend grading or assignment capabilities
  • To provide an alternative to existing services

While adding new LTIs to Canvas can be exciting, Online@JSU is careful to integrate new ones due to various reasons, A major reason for such a thorough vetting process for new LTIs is the maintenance of a secure and stable LMS (Canvas). LMS maintenance and security is paramount, and a poorly designed or tested LTI tool could compromise the integrity of the LMS, causing system slowdown, breaches, or interruptions. 


For these reasons, beginning in 2021, all LTIs must go through an approval process that involves multiple JSU departments and could take up to 12 weeks or more depending on the LTI configuration.
Here is a summary of the steps that an LTI goes through for approval:
  1. LTI Request form submitted (Originator of request)
  2. Functionality Review (Online@JSU)
  3. Security Review (IT Systems and Security)
  4. FERPA Review (Office of the Registrar)
  5. Acquisition of LTI and its credentials (Originator's Department (if cost applicable) + Online@JSU)
  6. Bookstore Coordination (if applicable)
  7. Testing of LTI (Originator of request + Online@JSU)
  8. LMS Integration (Online@JSU)

Online@JSU evaluates and installs upon approval LTIs which fall into two categories:

  1. LTIs initiated, licensed, and supported by Online@JSU as a necessary system-wide enterprise solution
    • For example, LTIs such as Honorlock, Turnitin, or Studio
  2. LTIs Requested by Individuals/Departments
    • For example, LTIs such as McGraw-Hill Connect, Perusall, or Labster

Many LTIs in the second category have already been vetted by Online@JSU and have been added to Canvas. Examples include publisher textbooks by companies such as McGraw-Hill Connect, Pearson Revel, Pearson MyLabs, and MacMillan. Keep in mind, however, that usage may be limited to those having adopted textbooks from the specific publisher. In addition, it is important to know that while LTIs in this category have been installed and configured according to specifications by Online@JSU, the tool and related functionality must be supported by the LTI provider/vendor and/or responsible faculty member(s).  Online@JSU is not positioned to support LTI functionality in this second category, but will ensure proper configuration in Canvas is sustained.


  1. Barnes & Noble First Day -  
  2. Cambridge MyBusinessCourse - 
  3. Cengage Learning - 
  4. CIDI Labs DesignPLUS - 
  5. ExamSoft - 
  6. Folio - Canvas > Account > Folio 
  7. Great River Learning - 
  8. Hawkes Learning - 
  9. Honorlock - 
  10. Kognito -
  11. Labster -
  12. Macmillan Learning -
  13. McGraw-Hill ALEKS 
  14. Microsoft Teams Classes -
  15. Microsoft Teams Meetings -
  16. Microsoft OneDrive
  17. Multi-Tool
  18. New Quizzes -
  19. Norton -
  20. Perusall -
  21. QuantHub -
  22. Redirect Tool ("Academic Support") -
  23. Rubin Emerge -
  24. Sage Vantage -
  25. Science Interactive -
  26. Springshare LibApps -
  27. Turnitin Feedback Studio -
  28. -
  29. Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys (CES) -
  30. Watermark Student Learning & Licensure -
  31. WileyPlus -


  1. EdPuzzle
  2. Gradescope
  3. Harmonize
  4. Hypothesis


  1. Collabra -
  2. Coursetune -
  3. Flip 
  4. Google Assignments