Refresher/ Lateral Entry Course

Course Dates

Lateral/Refresher 2025 A

May 19 - June 5, 2025

Registration: May 19 at 7:00 am

Lateral/Refresher 2025 B

September 8 - September 25, 2025

Registration: September 8 at 7:00 am

General Information

We operate on a 4-day, 10 hour per day, week. Class attendance will be Monday through Thursday, 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. daily.


Registration will be held on first day of class at 7:00 a.m. Students will meet in Classroom 1181 of the Academy located on the first floor of the facility at Ft. McClellan. Directions to Academy.

COVID-19 Screening

All students must complete screening for COVID-19 prior to entering the building. Screening will be between 6:30 and 6:45 a.m. on the first morning, outside the main academy entrance. Screening will consist of a brief questionnaire and a temperature check. Students must pass screening each morning to participate in training.


Total cost of Refresher/Lateral Entry Academy is $1,250.00. This covers registration and material costs.

Food, lodging, and ammunition are not included in this fee.

All fees are due by the first day of class.

No portion of the tuition fee will be refunded if the student fails or is dismissed at any time.


For a list of local hotels and directions to the Academy visit the Directions page for more information.

Driving Training

Driving training will be held at the ALEEVOC (Alabama Law Enforcement Emergency Vehicle Operations Center) located at 5896 Old Hayneville Road, Montgomery, AL. Please make housing arrangements accordingly. Dates and Times are listed in Course Date section above.

Dress Code

On the first day of the course, the student will need to be dressed in PT Gear consisting of a T-shirt, gym shorts or sweat pants, and running shoes. Casual dress will be allowed during the classroom portion of the Refresher Course (no shorts or T-shirts). Departmental uniform is required on week 3 for a class photo only!


We do not have the facilities at the Academy to store handguns. You will be required to keep your weapon in your vehicle trunk or glove compartment during your stay.

You will need an unloaded weapon, holster, magazine pouch, and at least 2 empty magazines after lunch on the first day. 

Students must bring eye & ear protection and a ball cap (with bill) for firearms training


Required Rounds - PISTOL: 250 rounds

** Factory Ammunition Only. NO individual reloads allowed.

Mandatory Requirements

Physical Agility Test

Each student will have two attempts to pass the physical agility course. Failing both attempts will result in dismissal from the course. The time limit for the five physical agility events is ninety (90) seconds.

The Physical Agility Test consists of:

  • Pushing a patrol vehicle, in neutral, a distance of 15 feet
  • Running a short distance and climbing either a six-foot wall or six-foot chain link fence
  • Running a short distance and stepping through a simulated window obstacle
  • Running a short distance and navigating a 15-foot long balance beam that is one foot off the ground
  • Running a short distance and dragging a 165-pound dummy a distance of 15 feet.

Safe Gun Handling

  • Demonstrate safe trigger finger position and muzzle control when handling a pistol
  • Safely draw and holster the pistol
  • Safely load a pistol (using dummy rounds)
  • Safely unload and positively clear a pistol (using dummy rounds)
  • Safely reload a pistol locked open on an empty magazine (using dummy rounds)
  • Safely perform an immediate action clearance procedure


  • Qualify with a score of 70 or better on at least 2 out of 3 designated APOSTC qualification attempts


  • Each Student will have 3 attempts to complete the designated driving course within 2:30 seconds

Legal Issues

  • the student will score not less than 70% on the legal issue exam (one retest if needed)

Academic Average

  • Must maintain an overall academic average of 70% on two multiple choice exams


  • Students cannot miss more than 5% (6 hours) of the total training time