Big Ideas to Follow as You Create Video Content
The video has become a key tool of instruction in higher education. While the video is often used by instructors in face-to-face course environments to augment or enhance the content, it is more often integrated as a key component into blended/hybrid and online course structures. In some instances, video instruction serves as the heart of the course content. Given the importance of video, instructors should keep these big-picture ideas in mind before creating video content or asking students to submit video assignments.
Instructors often assume that students just “know” how to record a video and upload it to an assignment submission. This is a mistake! Some will know and some won’t. You have to plan for both! We mention ‘prerequisites’ because there is often a set of skills students will need to possess prior to recording and uploading a video. This pre-set toolbox of skills involves knowing the following:
- the best device (or best options) to use to record the video
- the proper software or app to record the video
- available conversion software in case students need to convert the video to a more easily transferable format (Mp4 format)
- editing or video compression software available to edit or compress the video to a more easily transferable size
- the best method(s) to submit the assignment online (if they’re submitting it in Canvas)
Students need to know all of these skills before they begin the recording process, or at the very least, they need to know where to go to access the needed resources, instructions, and tutorials that can assist them through the process, from recording to submission. It’s your responsibility to teach them or provide resources.