Creative Writing Minor

Student typing on laptop computer

Learning to tell a story, be creative, and think outside the box are valuable skills that can support many majors. 

The Creative Writing minor introduces students to original narrative design, genre analysis, and literary publishing. With a concentration in Creative Writing, students will learn the craft of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and/or scriptwriting and gain exposure to diverse perspectives on writing in its various forms and for its various audiences. 

Below are majors in each academic School that pair well with the Creative Writing Minor:


Why Pair this Major with a Creative Writing Minor?

English - Literature (Bachelor of Arts)

Understand the study of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama more fully by learning to write these genres yourself

English - Professional Writing (Bachelor of Arts)

Develop your technical and digital writing by adding the creative element that enables you to tell compelling stories through your work

Art (Bachelor of Arts)

Learn to produce both art and the art of language for a career such as illustrator of children’s books

Art - Art History (Bachelor of Arts) 

Understand the history of artistic expression more fully by honing your own sense of artistic expression through writing

Art - Studio Art (Bachelor of Arts)

Learn to produce both art and the art of language for a career such as illustrator of children’s books

Theatre - Performance (Bachelor of Arts)

Understand a character’s motivation better by learning to create your own characters

Theatre - Production (Bachelor of Arts)

Understand all the working parts of a production more fully by producing your own stories

Film (Bachelor of Arts)

Complement your study of film production and analysis by honing your own creative writing skills for script and screenwriting

Foreign Languages - Spanish (Bachelor of Arts)

Learning a foreign language teaches you to look at your own language in a different way, and learning to craft stories in your own language will complement this learning process

History (Bachelor of Arts)

Understand the unfolding “story” of history more fully by learning to craft your own characters and stories

Music - General Music (Bachelor of Arts)

Learn to compose and tell stories through both music and language

Computer Science - Game Development (Bachelor of Science)

Learn the science behind game development while also learning how to write compelling narratives, characters, and settings for games

Computer Information Systems - Web Development (Bachelor of Science)

Learn website development while learning how to tell a compelling story through the design of your website


Why Pair this Major with a Creative Writing Minor?

Communication - Digital Media Production (Bachelor of Arts)

Learn to broadcast video and audio images while tapping into your own creativity that will assist you in producing effective and meaningful ones

Communication - Digital Journalism (Bachelor of Arts)

Journalists strive to produce reports of events that are objective, fair, balanced and accurate, and learning to craft your own narratives will inform how you craft your reports

Communication - Public Relations and Advertising (Bachelor of Arts)

Learn the art of reputation management while learning how you can craft a narrative or story about your client

Management - Entrepreneurship (Bachelor of Science)

Every iconic company, CEO, product, and brand has a compelling story, and you’ll learn how to craft that story through your own writing

Marketing (Bachelor of Science)

Learn to market a product or service to consumers by learning to craft and tell its story


Why Pair this Major with a Creative Writing Minor?

Family and Consumer Sciences - Merchandising (Bachelor of Science)

As you prepare for careers in retailing, management, and fashion promotion, develop your creativity and the ability to craft compelling stories, useful in promoting your merchandise, creating displays, and planning fashion shows, etc.


Why Pair this Major with a Creative Writing Minor?

Sport Management and Recreation Studies - Recreational Leadership (Bachelor of Science)

Learn to manage indoor and outdoor recreational programs and facilities for all age groups while developing your creativity to support these activities

Sport Management and Recreation Studies - Sport Management (Bachelor of Science)

Learn all aspects of sport management while developing your creativity to support these activities


Why Pair this Major with a Creative Writing Minor?

Political Science (Bachelor of Arts)

Learn about government at all levels while learning to craft messaging by creating compelling stories

Psychology (Bachelor of Science)

Learn more about the human mind and behavior by developing characters in your writing who are also motivated by various psychological impulses

Sociology (Bachelor of Arts)

Understand the relationships between systems and individuals while learning to create stories and narratives that will aid in finding solutions to social problems

Sociology (Bachelor of Science)

Understand the relationships between systems and individuals while learning to create stories and narratives that will aid in finding solutions to social problems

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